
Article by Mischa Wladimiroff and Ruth van der Pol (in Dutch – published in the Nederlands Juristenblad

read the English version here.


The newspaper “Novaya Gazeta” recently published an article about a book written by the Russian lawyers Peter Barenboim and Ekaterina Mishina: “Lessons from the Constitutional Crisis 2020”. They point out that the Preamble of the Russian Constitution of 1993 starts as follows: “we, the multinational people of the Russian Federation”. So, in the other words, the “symbolic writers” of the Russian Constitution of 1993 are all people (citizens) with the Russian nationality. Then the authors compare this (inclusive) concept with article 68, which was modified as part of the recent Russian constitutional amendments and now states: “The state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian as the language of the state-forming people, members of the multinational union of equal people of the Russian Federation.” Authors argue that every word in a constitution should be understood unambiguously and they wonder if that’s the case with “state-forming people”, which also sounds to them less inclusive as the “we, the people” phrasing in the Preamble.


Mr. Cyran’s presentation about the Polish-Russian lawyer Vas’kovskii (in Russian)


Mr. Van der Pol’s presentation about the great Dutch lawyer Hugo Grotius (Hugo de Groot) (in Russian)


Mr. Van der Pol’s presentation about the role of the president of the court in The Netherlands (in Russian)


Mr. Cyran’s presentation about President of the Court in the Polish Judiciary System (in English)


Publishing house Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V. released a new book “Sluitertijd. Reflecties op het werk van Jaap Hijma ”- a collection of articles on civil law written by colleagues and students of professor mr. Jaap Hijma (Leiden University) in honor of his anniversary.
This book also contains the article “Enkele opmerkingen over totstandkoming en uitleg van overeenkomsten in Rusland” written by Ruth van der Pol en Liudmila van der Pol.


Articles by Ruth-Arie van der Pol relating to Russian law (COMING SOON)