The Advisory Council

Prof. Dr. M. Wladimiroff  is a professor emeritus of Economic Criminal Law at Utrecht University and has been a prominent advocate for 43 years. He chaired and participated in various (inter)national professional and academic organisations and committees. As specialist in matters of corporate criminal law, with a focus on criminal responsibility of management, he was involved in most high-profile fraud cases in the Netherlands of the past decades. Besides this expertise, he had an excellent reputation as lawyer in international humanitarian law cases. He was defence counsel in the Tadić case before the ICTY and the Musema case before the ICTR. He was appointed amicus curiae in the Milošević case before the ICTY, represented the Republic of Liberia before the ICJ concerning the international arrest warrant of Charles Taylor issued by the Special Court for Sierra Leone and was counsel for the Hariri family before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. He is an experienced trainer of both members of the judiciary and counsel for the prosecution or the defence in the Netherlands and abroad.


Mr. A.B. Gutnikov is  the Director of St.Petersburg Institute of Law named after Prince P.G.Oldenburgsky, a non-governmental training institution in St.Petersburg, Russia (est. 1992). He is also a Board Member of the Center of Development of Legal Clinics (Moscow), as well as Head and supervisor of the Open Legal Clinic of St.Petersburg.  He gives lectures on  Introduction into the law and legal system, professional practical lawyer’s skills, interviewing and counseling, alternative dispute resolutions and interactive methods of teaching. He organizes Summer and Winter Schools “Human Rights Academy” for law students and prepares high school students and law students teams for domestic and international Moot Court competitions. He is the coordinator of the Living Law/Street Law Center for Law-Related and Civic Education,  Member of the Expert Council on Human Rights and Citizen Education of the The Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, Member of the Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE), Member of the  European Network of Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE) and also Coordinator of the Dutch-Russian project “Amicus Curiae: professional development of the new generation of lawyers”.


Prof. Dr. M. I. Fedorova, professor of criminal law, Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)


Mrs. L.V. Van der Pol, Russian civil law expert (Arnhem, The Netherlands)


Dr. R. Antonova, assistant director Russian State University of the Judiciary (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)